National Association of State Directors of Teacher Education and Certification
We support the good work of NASDTEC, an organization whose members include the teacher professional practice regulatory boards. Their goal is to ensure public trust and confidence in our public schools. Associate members include teacher preparation programs, school districts, and others involved in education. In particular, we suggest that districts determine if they wish to utilize the NASDTEC Clearinghouse so employers are aware if there have been actions against previous licensure or certification.
We also support the Model Code of Educator Ethics increasing the awareness of this source of guidance. As a tool, this assists us in having the difficult but necessary conversations needed in education. Finally, MRC provides for NASDTEC the Online Courses in the NASDTEC Academy. NASDTEC has created a panel to review these courses that are used by States, Provinces, Districts, and Schools to correct misconduct and prevent future transgressions.