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TTY – The True Yes
This course was a response to litigation and the jury’s belief that training also needs to be provided to students for sexual misconduct prevention. It assists students to identify healthy relationships, grooming, hazing, peer pressure, substance abuse, and other forms of misconduct.
Duration: 7 min 30 sec
Audience: Students (3rd grade through junior college)
Price: $20
Preventing Sexual Misconduct
Sexual abuse and misconduct (SAM) is addressed in this condensed course. We also offer a version that also meets California requirements for Mandated Reporter Training (AB1432). It contains videos of perpetrators and victims that have been demonstrated in research to increase understanding.
Duration: 45 min
Audience: All school employees
Price: $30
Mandated Reporter
Recognizing that grooming for abuse creates the need for someone to report their suspicions as a mandated reporter.
Duration: 50 min
Audience: All school employees
Price: $25
Suicide Prevention
Designed to assist schools in training their employees to prevent both suicide and homicide. It has a handout that reflects the organization of the course based on the acronyms in “CARE” to prevent a “FAIL”. “FAIL” refers to warning signs to look for, and “CARE” refers to the responses to elements in FAIL.
Duration: 30 min
Audience: All school employees
Price: $30
Micro-Course Series
This series of short training is designed to aid in further prevention. The topics discussed: safeguarding relationships, loneliness, cybertraps, and becoming the “bridge” to other resources.
Price: $10 each, $45 for the course bundle
Head Injury Course
This course is designed to help those working with activities where students may sustain a head injury to respond correctly to those events. It incorporates the experience of a female professional martial arts athlete who has been seen by millions of people worldwide who sustained chronic traumatic encephalitis.
Duration: 30 min
Audience: All school employees
Price: $30