Dr. Karla Rhay, Implementation & Risk Management Advisor (SME)
Dr. Karla Rhay is recognized in the public school, pooling and insurance community. As a former school administrator, she has most recently served as Chief Executive Officer for two large joint powers authorities and was President of the California Association of Joint Power Authorities (CAJPA). Recently she was named California Classified Leader of the Year (2019).
She earned her doctorate from University of Southern California (USC) in educational leadership with a dissertation in sexual misconduct in public education, training a number of school administrators in recognizing warning signs and prevention strategies. She has spent the last two decades involved in a variety of public school and employee benefit matters that include school violence and bullying prevention, strategic leadership, and staff development opportunities.
As a subject field expert in mitigating sexual misconduct in schools, she has served on a variety of committees, task forces and has spoken in several states on the impact it has to parents, students and their communities. Today Dr. Rhay is leading The Karla Rhay Group as Principal and Chief Strategist and is eager to assist your entity in the areas of diversity and inclusion, leadership and strategic consulting. Visit The Karla Rhay Group at www.karlarhaygroup.com or email her directly at drkarla@karlarhaygroup.com.